Monday, July 1, 2013

Random Scrawlins From Davvy Jones' Locker

It's amazing how our world has become accostemed to using items that we would never think twice about because they have been with us for so long. But haven't you ever wondered where or how such a overlooked yet much needed item like the pencil came from? Or how it got its vibrant yellow color?

I am a scatterbrain; I admit it. But sometimes having so many unorganized thoughts actually pays off. I scrounge around the interwebs and find websites that talk about useless facts that I think are very entertaining. Here are some of the sites I look at while I am not stuffing my nose in between a book or making some random scriblings on my homework. I hope you enjoy them, I find some of the facts fascinating and sometimes daunting. Enjoy Very interesting, tumblr format website. My favorite website. It isn't necessarily about random facts but about proving (or disproving) rumors you may have heard in your life. *Warning: It's got pop-ups, but clicking the red "x" on the top left or right hand corner of your browser is worth it! : I literally went on this website yesterday. It doesn't have many facts on the website but it is very interesting. This is my second favorite website. I believe they gather their facts from users on the website and have other people (us) verify them by, "liking" them. They have a lot of stuff on there about WW2, which is also quite interesing... in a way.

Published: 1 July 2013

Edited: 2 July 2013

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