Thursday, August 29, 2013

Junior Year is Awkward...

Things have been going okayish since the start of my junior year. It's only been my first week and already I am overwhelmed with some of my classes, but that should be what's expected of Junior Year, right?

I know that I haven't been posting here much, but that is only because I've been held up with homework and studying. For instance, it's ten p.m., I have a Chemistry test tomorrow, and I have yet to study for it... Yeah.

If you're wondering, I haven't felt that sluggish feeling most people feel when it's the first week of school because they've been so used to summer, which completely amazes me. If I have homework, I jump right on it and try not to procrastinate. I don't think I posted it here--maybe I did--- but last week I was struggling to complete all my summer assignments, spend time with my family, worry about school supplies, and just stay sane all at once. It was difficult trying keep myself together (I finally broke down the day before school started, right after singing a solo song to my church). However, this week, I've been a completely focused on my school work. It takes me four hours to complete, so basically I'm working non-stop from four in the afternoon until ten at night, which is my official bed time.

The first day of Junior Year was awkward like all first days of school are. Everyone was quiet in the classes. That's one of the things I truly hate about the first day of school; everyone's mouths are closed like they've been glued together and told not to speak because they are so scared out of their whims about everything. Okay, I know it isn't fear that they're all feeling, it's nerves, I get it but even the loudest kids become silent. What, do they think it's taboo to talk or laugh on the first day of school? Sometimes I pray for a student to say something, even ask the teacher a question, on the first day of school. I just hate how everything's so uptight and no one is as loose as they usually are doing the school year.

However, I am being a hypocrite. I never speak to anyone on the first day of school. It's also because of nerves, and mostly because I am waiting for someone else to break the silence at that time. See, I'm not really the "leading" type. I'm more of a person that just goes with the flow of things. I know this isn't always good, but it saves me from a ton of future embarrassing moments when I conduct myself that way.

Anyway, fellow readers, I hope you have been surviving your first days in whichever grade you are in. I am steadily climbing over hurdles each day, and I will never stop because I know that there's a golden medal waiting for me at the end. I'm just going to keep climbing and not let anything get in my way because to stop climbing would mean that I've cheated myself out of a good future. I hope you avid high school readers out there are thinking the same way. Whatever hurdles or obstacles you encounter now, just remember that today is just one day out of the rest of your life and that there's a new day coming tomorrow. Remember that high schoolers, and you'll definitely be able to cope with any problem thrown your way.

Until next time folks, I bid you adieu and happily plan to tell what will come up next. As for right now, like, right now, right now, I am going to do a bit of studying and then hit the haystack for some hours. I really need that sleep, I've got that Chemistry test at the end of the day tomorrow, and I'm planning to do well on it. I hope you liked the positive energy I've expressed tonight. Was it different from the self-deprecation and angst I usually toss on you? I know it feels good to know that life isn't always made up of angst and stress---and it isn't.

I'm going to stop talking now. *Yawn* Good night!

Friday, August 16, 2013


This is the version of a blog I posted on an AWESOME site I've recently stumbled upon. It's called and it's really great. Writers get to post their writing on the website and have it reviewed by other writers on the site. It's almost like wattpad except the site isn't like you are competing in a popularity contest to have your work read. You can get your work reviewed by people regardless of whether you're a popular user or already a published author (which is what I really like about the site). Now, I am not trying to rag on either website, both are good in their own ways, but if you are the type of person that is more suited towards smaller groups, things that aren't "mainstream", and prefer the less energetic side of things, then you should click on that link to Young Writers Society. It's great, I've got some stuff on there, and the title of this post is the title of another post on that website. Check it out: My name's MooCowPoop. Make an account, add me and I will love you even more forever, okay? :) Not only that but you'll get to see some more of the beautiful stuff I write. However I haven't posted anything yet, but keep an eye for it!

And I know what you're thinking: why is there always something about cows in this lady's username? To answer that, I shall say: I have no clue my friend. It was something I came up with a few years ago to replace my infamous username for most things which was juju149_13 (don't even try looking me up on gaiaonline. That isn't my username anymore, so ha!). 

So, enough about that. How is it going party people? Summer is almost over and school is quickly approaching. If school is approaching, then that means that MY JUNIOR YEAR IS QUICKLY APPROACHING! THE END IS NIGH, THE END IS NIGH! Cover your heads children because there's a storm coming.

Guess what I haven't worked much on this summer. I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with my future success, college, ate-Pee, His Story and Ringlish Dome Work Packet.

Have you guessed it?

Oh, "going to the gym" was a close one Johnny, but unfortunately, the correct was: working on my HP History and English Home Work Packet. 

Yupp. You are absolutely correct, I DO only have a week to complete a three-part homework assignment and YES I DID stare at it every single day but never laying a finger on it because I had "more important things to do". Boys and girls, you are on fire today! 

I did not do much of the assignment this summer because I wanted to have fun. Unfortunately the only "fun" I had this summer was sitting in front of the computer watching reruns of Lost and eating ice cream. Oh! And I did that other thing, I did the musical stuff, but that's always fun. I'm talking about new fun. 

The funny thing about all this is that I knew that it was going to get to this point. I knew that I was going to let myself get so behind, and let myself cry and pull out my hair, tell myself what a failure I'll be because I didn't do my homework, yet I never tried hard enough to stop myself. Or rather, push myself.  Maybe this was why I was so afraid of taking breaks during the school year. Maybe I prevented myself from slowing down because I was afraid just breaking completely. Now, I haven't broken yet but somehow, for some reason, I don't think this school year will be as easy for me but will ironically be approached with few tears. And that isn't good, that isn't good at all. 

It worries me now: will I let things fall apart like this in the future like I did with this homework assignment? Will I be able to keep fighting and not take advantages of breaks and give up so easily? 

I guess I'll just have to see how it goes. Till next time readers!

- Anonymous Cow

P.S., I just realized that I don't have a profile picture.