Sunday, October 16, 2011

Okay. So here's the deal.

gURL.comI took the "what's your love token?" quiz on
Your love token is...
a flute

Mostly because you don't need words to express what you're feeling. You're not shy, though, just a little introverted. You might not crush often, but when you do it's major.
Read more

What's your love token?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Great Reads (Seriously, reading is FUN-damental!!)

THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett:

Consider This: Websites For The Fun of It

If you are a middle-school-er:
A teenager:
A teen looking for current entertainment and gossip:
A typical teenager who wants help and direct answers:

Consider This. What Teens Really Want.

Hey, it's me again, but this time with something different. I want to learn how to get involved in my community. Do you guys have any suggestions on how and where I can find places to volunteer? Are there any suggestions about scholarships that a high school-er could apply for? I really want to get into college (hopefully an Ivy League school!). I play the violin, I’m trying to teach myself piano, and I really like to write and read. I also have asthma, but unfortunately I am not left-handed and I can’t balance a broom on my nose! Do you have any suggestions for any cool scholarships for a high school-er like me? I also need to do community service for college. I really want to get out of the house because I don't get to do anything except stay at home and read (no television or computer access).Do you guys have any suggestions for things I could do to get out and be active?
Whats it Mean ?PHOTO:


Well, hello thar. Welcome to my not-so-fabulous blog called "Just Blogging." Um... Let me just introduce myself. I am a blogger just like all of you lovely people out there or whatever you are). I often go by my screen name "MooCowPoop". So, just refer to me as that , okay? Anyway, this blog is just going to be about random things that go on in a  typical teenager's life. **NAMES, DATES, and IDENTITIES WILL BE CHANGED FOR THE SECURITY OF MYSELF AND OTHERS. Now don't go bugging me about that okay? Thanks... Okay... Um... Bye, I guess!